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VIEW MAP TO SEE where the trees will go
TO: Town Council FROM: Mark S. Ells, Town Manager THROUGH: Elizabeth S. Jenkins, Director of Planning & Development DATE: May 04, 2023 SUBJECT: Appropriation Order in the amount of $86,758 for the purpose of funding the acquisition of equipment to assist with the implementation of The Greening the Gateway Cities Program and authorization to expend a Fiscal Year 2024-2026 Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs Greening the Gateway Cities Program Grant in the amount of $1,800,000 The Town of Barnstable has been awarded a $1,800,000 grant SUMMARY: from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts’ Greening the Gateway Cities Program. The Greening the Gateway Cities Program is a partnership between the Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA), the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Urban & Community Forestry Program, the Department of Energy Resources (DOER), the US Forest Service, and the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) with an objective of covering 5% of the defined Planting Zone in new tree canopy over the project duration of three years or six planting seasons. Concentrated within Environmental Justice neighborhoods, the Program targets areas that have lower tree canopy, older housing stock, higher wind speeds, and larger rent population. In collaboration with the Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR), the Town’s Planting Zone was established within Environmental Justice neighborhoods located in Hyannis based on factors including, but not limited to, density, existing tree canopy, and impervious surface. A map of the established Planting Zone is attached. The Planting Zone is composed of 966 acres predominately located north and northwest of downtown Hyannis between Falmouth Road (Route 28) and Iyannough Road to the north, Old Strawberry Hill Road to the west, West Main Street and Stevens Street to the south and Ridgewood Avenue to the east. The Planting Zone also includes the western half of Sea Street. Grant funds will be used to improve the Planting Zone with a total of 2,400 trees of which 80%, or 1,920 trees, will be planted on private properties and 20%, or 480 trees, will be planted on public properties. The project will commence Fall 2023. Significant outreach will occur in advance of the Fall to inform the community of this opportunity and to encourage residents to sign up for trees to be planted at their property. Trees will be free to all residents who live within the Planting Zone subject to submittal of the Town’s Access and Watering Agreement. Through this project, and by increasing tree canopy within the Planting Zone, the community will realize benefits including beautification of our neighborhoods, schools and other public places, improved air quality, noise reduction, increased wildlife habitat, and increased shade which will reduce urban heat island effect as well as maximize homeowner energy savings.
THE ROLE TREES PLAY IN OUR WATER QUALITY The roots of a tree grip the ground and act like thousands of “fingers” to anchor the tree as it keeps soil from washing away. The amazingly complex root network — often an area underground larger than the tree’s branches — also filters harmful substances out of water as it soaks downward.