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How To Stay Involved With Your Town. 

Note to checklist users:  If you only have time to do two checklist items do the first one and the last one.  Make me work for you.

Once you sign up, Barnstable eNews will be delivered to your email address every Friday.  Review it to keep up to date with happenings in Town.  It is an excellent resource that everyone should subscribe to.

Look at the meetings coming up for the week every Monday morning.  If a meeting is on the calendar, it is a public meeting and you have the right to attend and comment.  Some are held by zoom, most are in person.  Review posted agendas and if something interests you plan to attend and comment.

The Town Council agenda comes out the Tuesday afternoon before the Thursday meeting.  Town Council meetings are held twice a month, always on a Thursday evening, except in July and August when they are held once a month, also on a Thursday evening.  Click on the Town Council “Quick Link” on the Town of Barnstable home page to get to the Town Council schedule. Scroll down to find the agenda for the next meeting.  Review the agenda to see what your Town Council is voting on.  These votes will impact you.  If you have concerns or questions, seek answers.  Ask your Town Councilor questions in advance of the meeting.

If you see something on an agenda you have an opinion on, then come to the Town Council meeting and speak.  You can do this from the comfort of your home by Zoom or you can come to the Town Council meeting in person.  Public comment is a critical component of the decision-making process.  Be a part of the process. Comment!

If you have questions about anything going on in the Town of Barnstable, contact me.  If you find something on an agenda that is of concern to you or there is something happening anywhere in Barnstable that you are curious about or doesn’t make sense to you, let me know.  My name is Betty Ludtke and I am your Town Councilor.  If you are not living your best life in Barnstable then we need to work on that together.  I will be your voice if you want me to be.  I will carry your message forward loud and clear.  Use me. I will listen.  You can email me at: or you can call me at: 774-810-2369.


Congratulations, you have completed the checklist.  Stay engaged in your Town.


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