Committed to the
Long-Term Success of our Community
Betty Ludtke, Town Councilor, Precinct 3
“I believe in transparency in town government. Good communication is the backbone of success. I strongly encourage conversation because when we listen to each other, we will work together to achieve solutions together.”

Monday, June 3
12pm and 5pm
Barnstable Town Hall
Scientists to share initial findings from the Massachusetts PFAS & the Health Study of Hyannis Residents — More Info...
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The east coast of England is also dealing with wind farm cable landings.
Hyannis Airport Plan Hits Turbulence
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Thank you to everyone who came out to vote on November 7th. It says a lot to come out to the polls on a day when you did not have to. I was unopposed, as were all the school committee candidates, and the sole Housing Commissioner candidate. Ultimately a write-in candidate was elected to the second vacant Housing Commissioner position. As a voter, you always have the option to write in a candidate or submit a blank ballot in protest. Either way, you are participating and that is what is important.
I will continue to work for you as we move forward. I was so impressed by the Meeting of the Voters that was held on October 23rd at the Barnstable High School. I felt the energy in the room. You spoke and I listened. After that meeting, I received many emails from concerned residents. Each is well written but the one I want everyone to read is the one posted here.
Please take the time to read this beautiful letter and let's work together to make Barnstable work for all of us. I hope that Heather's words will carry you forward, as I know they will for me!
LETTER FROM HEATHER SWENSEN, Resident, Centerville — Wequaquet Lake
After attending the November 2nd Town Council meeting, I wanted to comment on an observation I made. Each Town Council member has been elected to represent the constituents of their precinct. I would think that when an issue as large and impactful as the wind project comes before the Town, the council members would reach out to their constituents, discuss the pros and cons of the project and how it affects their precinct as well as the town on a whole. Get a feel for how the majority of their precinct would like them to vote on the topic and return to the Council and compile all findings. At no time in the 11 years that I have lived in the Town of Barnstable have I heard of a councilman sending out an invitation to periodic meet and greets. I have not heard of a councilman organizing a meeting just for their precinct to discuss a specific/major topic requiring an upcoming vote and listen to their constituents’ opinions and concerns. It’s as if once the election is over, the vote on town matters becomes the sole decision of the councilman. Yes, it is disappointing there has not been more involvement in the past 6+ years of the wind project’s planning, and I myself am guilty of lack of attendance. However, I do believe the wind projects should have had more public exposure than just hearing notices published online or tacked to a bulletin board in the Town Hall, or newspaper notices – honestly, daily newspaper print is a dying thing. Yes, those are the only notification requirements by law, but the councilmen could take the next proactive step of precinct mailings, or even phone notifications. Especially since several years of this discussion took place during covid restrictions on open meetings. Three weeks ago was the first I had heard of the full scope of the project and the building of a power substation in a residential area that could detrimentally affect Wequaquet Lake and our groundwater supply. Yes, you can consider me a “NIMBY” and I would say I do represent every taxpayer questioning why this is taking place in our oceanfront and lakefront communities and residential areas. I totally understand that taxpayers are going to have varying opinions based on their location. But hopefully when given the information directly from their councilman – not social media as Ms. Cullum commented – taxpayers can understand how a project affects a precinct and the town on a whole. I would expect that Mr. Mendes’ precinct has a large number of people in favor of the project - as he indicated. The project construction and substation in no way affects them. But I would hope he would also provide his constituents with the concerns other precinct residents have. As a perfect example, the sewering and housing projects in other precincts in no way will impact me where I live. However, I want to know what the benefits are to the Town, but I also want to know the concerns and how it affects those within the precinct the projects are taking place. It was clear in the November 2nd meeting that the initial conversations of this project started in 2016+- and were based around what money could the town get by partnering with these projects. And money appears to still be the driving force. I heard “we discussed”, “we decided”, “the council directed me to…” Not once did I hear “we asked the taxpayer”, “we held a special meeting with those residents specifically being affected”. Also the number of times the current timeframe of laying sewer lines was mentioned, it coinciding with laying cables and the wind project paying for repaving, it seemed a pretty clear indication that the Town Council is committed to moving ahead and entering into an agreement with the wind developers, making those taxpayers attending meetings and writing emails feel like the decision is made and our opinions and concerns are falling on deaf ears. Ultimately, a councilman works for their constituents. Getting elected is just the beginning of a much larger responsibility and keeping an open dialog with those you represent should be first and foremost. With elections tomorrow, I hope that whoever makes up the 13 seats of Town Council after the election and going forward puts their constituents’ desires above their own and creates more frequent open communication with those they serve. God Bless America! Heather Swenson Centerville – Wequaquet Lake Resident